Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (2024)

Teaching With Fairy Tales

If I had my way, a fairy tale unit would be an essential part of every kindergarten teacher’s curriculum. These age-old stories are highly engaging and full of teaching opportunities that include building oral language, expanding vocabulary and increasing comprehension. They are also my go-to favorites for teaching the story elements of character and setting and exploring the text structure of beginning, middle, and end. In this post, I share one of my favorite activities to do within a fairy tale unit, which is to create story maps around these tales.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (1)

Story Maps Reveal the Parts of a Story

To create these story maps, we first pull apart the fairy tale to get to know the pieces well and then put it back together as we build the map and retell the story to families. This take-apart and build again process supports children in learning how stories work. It also aids them in writing, as the text structures expose the underlying framework of a story and teach children how to organize their own ideas as they begin to write.

Story Maps Link Literacy & Social Studies

I also use these story maps to teach map skills, which are included in our kindergarten social studies curriculum. By adding a map key and a compass rose, children can learn about symbols and cardinal directions.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (2)

And this Atlas of Fairy Tales by Claudia Bordin is a great book to share as you explore fairy tales and map making with your kiddos.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (3)

Create Story Maps

Here are the steps I take in creating these maps with my kindergartners.

Step 1: Explore the Setting

Begin by reading and rereading your chosen fairy tale. You might read the same version or several different versions or a combination of both. Look closely at the setting and explore how it changes over the course of the book. Ask children to tell you where the characters are at the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Discuss when the story takes place. Is it day or night? Is it summer or winter?

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (4)

Step 2: Explore Story Structure

Explore the story structure of the fairy tale and look for patterns in the events or text. For example, The Three Bears follow a “rule of 3,” which is common in fairy tales (i.e. three bowls, three chairs, three beds). Other examples include, three tries before a solution or three magic wishes. Language may also take the form of a repeated pattern, such as, “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man.”

Step 3: Create a Story Map Key

Create a list of the different places or “landmarks” the characters go in the story. Draw symbols for each place and include them on a map key.

Step 4: Build the Story Map

Model how to draw these landmarks in sequence from beginning to middle to end across the sheet of an 11 x 18 sheet of paper. Or, color and cut out pictures included in each Fairy Tale Story Map resource. Attach the map key and a compass rose.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (5)

Step 5: Add the Characters

Invite children to draw or color and cut out the characters. Staple a baggie or envelope to the back of the story map to hold these items.

Step 6: Teach Map Skills

Teach children about the 4 cardinal directions. Use the maps they’ve created to practice following directions. Ask, “Which landmark do you find in the East?” or “In which direction is the brick house?”

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (6)

Step 7: Practice Retelling

Pair children up and invite them to practice retelling their fairy tale to a partner using the story map. Remind them to use their “story voices” to sound like each character. Children can then take their map home and retell the story to family members.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (7)

Add Story Maps to Centers

Set up a Story Center in your classroom, where children can continue to enjoy retelling fairy tales as well as other stories that you are reading together. Include props that you have made, bought or gathered and create story baskets or boxes for each tale.

At the center, provide materials for children to makeStory Maps around the fairy tales they have come to know and love.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (8)

In my classroom, this center is a big part of our reading block and is a joyful way for children to enjoy stories repeatedly, while building oral language and vocabulary and strengthening comprehension skills.

Story Maker Mats are also another great option for your Story Center. Each represents a different text structure that children can use to retell familiar stories or create new ones.

Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (9)

For more ideas on retelling, reading, and literacy, visit the Growing Readers page inside the

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Story Maps: Teaching with Fairy Tales in Kindergarten (2024)


What are the 5 main points of a story map? ›

A story map is a graphic organizer that helps students learn the elements of a narrative. Learning to identify a story's characters, plot, setting, problem, and solution prompts students to read carefully to learn the important details. There are many different types of story maps.

What is a story map for kindergarten? ›

A STORY MAP is a graphic organizer that helps students learn the elements of literature by identifying characters, plot, and setting. It is used during and after reading a text.

How do story maps help comprehension? ›

Story maps provide students with what story elements are important to retelling a story. without the creation of a story map. retelling of the story. By giving students a graphic organizer to lay out the story elements, students were able to better comprehend what was read to them.

How do you introduce fairy tales to kindergarten? ›

  1. Read a fairy tale together. ...
  2. Write each of the elements in six boxes on a blackboard or whiteboard. ...
  3. Next, ask your students to draw their own boxes, one for each element, and brainstorm up some fairy tale elements of their own. ...
  4. Ask your students to use the elements they came up with to write their own short fairy tales.
Oct 30, 2018

What 5 benefits are the result of using story mapping? ›

Here are five benefits to story mapping your next project.
  • Delivers the really important requirements first. ...
  • Splits large requirements into small slices. ...
  • Defers the less important requirements to another release. ...
  • Improves communication with the customer. ...
  • Helps you visualize the product or system roadmap.

How do you use story maps in the classroom? ›

Teachers should introduce the text/story to be read and provide each student with a blank Story Map. Students begin by recording the title of the assigned text on the Story Map. The other components of the story may be mapped out during the reading process.

What is an example of story mapping? ›

Map user stories under activities

For example, under the shopping cart activity, there might be stories like, “As a shopper, I want to edit and delete items in my cart so I can change my mind before I purchase.”

What is the primary benefit of using story mapping? ›

Shared understanding: Story mapping enhances shared understanding of each of the features and user stories for all participants. Everyone is able to connect the dots for how the smallest element (user story), maps to features, the releases and the overall product roadmap.

What makes a good story map? ›

A great story map includes great maps and multimedia and narrative text that is both interesting and informative. A great map is visually appealing, simple, focused on the story, and performs well. All these attributes require a bit of tradecraft.

What is the function of a story map? ›

A story map is a web map that has been thoughtfully created, given context, and provided with supporting information so it becomes a stand-alone resource. It integrates maps, legends, text, photos, and video and provides functionality, such as swipe, pop-ups, and time sliders, that helps users explore this content.

Why teach fairy tales to kindergarten? ›

Spark imagination and offer moral lessons.

Fairy tales also model behavior for children and provide a context in which children can evaluate their own emotions and decision making. Aid in emotional resilience by helping children connect stories to real life.

What are 3 positive lessons taught in fairy tales? ›

A few things can be learned from a childhood spent devouring Greek myths, Arabian legends and the classic tales of Grimm, Perrault and Andersen. Life is difficult and challenging; bad things happen to good people; the course of true love never runs smooth; and we all live happily ever after.

How to teach fairy tales? ›

Sort fairy tales into common "tale types"or "versions" and become familiar with multiple versions of several tale types. Re-tell, in their own words, a few favorite fairy tales. Use illustrations to "tell" a familiar fairy tale. Recognize feelings and emotions within fairy tales that are common to universal humanity.

What should be included in a story map? ›

A great story map includes great maps and multimedia and narrative text that is both interesting and informative. A great map is visually appealing, simple, focused on the story, and performs well. All these attributes require a bit of tradecraft.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.